

Money Portal

A household budget application, complete with bank accounts, budgets & graphing!

Video Demo of this Project!
Check out the Money Portal Web API!

Kill Bug

A full scale issue tracking application. Create Projects, add tickets, assign project users and developers, add comments and attachments.


This blog is for viewing purposes only, a new blog will be released soon, some features of this blog may not work during this time.

Money Portal Demo Video

Coding Challenges

Roman Numeral Decoder

It's kind of like that toy you found in your cereal box as a kid, except this one works...

Sum Of All Fears

Nested looping, are you afraid? No? Good, lets get show them what we can do!

Sunset Hills

If your going to be stuck in your apartment for the next three months, you should at least be able to see the sunset.

The TacocaT

Not the edible kind. The palindrome kind... go see for youself.


A classic challenge now more than 10 years old. Basic looping, conditionals & modulus operations.

Mathematical Functions

A simple excerise, completing several mathematical functions using JavaScript, and adding flare, style & function with jQuery!

Looking to add a great developer to your team?
Contact me now with a job description and your contact info!


About Me

After a long and successful career in the hospitality industry, it was time for a new challenge. I left Philadelphia, headed west in search of two things I love, the outdoors & technology!

I see a huge potential to do something great for the outdoors by using technology. And what better way to start a new career, than getting back into software development? I had already earned a B.S. in Computer and Information Science, and computers & programming were my life as a high school & college student.

While I had no doubt this would be no easy career change, my focus & drive are rarely matched. I have buried myself in learning everything I can, and completed a Microsoft .NET Full-Stack Bootcamp at CoderFoundry. Computers and software are not just a job opportunity, they are my passion. From building my own PC's, to running servers from home, and developing the apps to run on them, every link in the chain is a fun & challenging opportunity to learn and master my craft!




